The meaning of Religion

The philosophers and theologians throughout the ages have tried to explain the aggressiveness of man by pointing to their natural disposition. In classical political philosophy, Leviathan, the 17th century English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, describes the human condition in a state of nature (ie, prior to the formation of government) as a "war of every man against every man".

This constant conflict, according to Hobbes, originate from natural human nature. Since they essentially wanted to fulfill himself, greedy, greedy nan. Advantages and personal triumph has been the basis of their motivation. St. Augustin of Hippo (354-430) also noted the great human capacity to carry out the slaughter and pengalgojoan.

The tendency towards this crime, it appears in the view of Augustin, requires a theological explanation: original sin. The aggressive nature of human nature is directly linked to fallout from grace in the Garden of Eden.

Thus the words of Greg Cashman that quoted from his book, What Causes War (2014: 14). One thing that became the core of the discourse is that it is a natural human nature to be aggressive to another. In terms of thermodynamics, this aggressiveness uncategorized in exergonic reaction, the reaction lasts spontaneous and leads to irregularity.

Yes, indeed, without anything else man is aggressive and aggressiveness that cause social disorder in the midst of the society.

When humans since its origin has been aggressive, of course we can suppose that aggressiveness when fired faster and faster. Like a flame that is simply the flame will be bigger and bigger, swelled, and might undermine what is around it is like he is doused with kerosene or fuel gas is blown him one.

So too does the fire of human aggressiveness is peppered with other explosive powders, surely he will be more sinister. Chaos and terror in the entire world that we are witnessing, at least today, are in fact human aggressiveness blaze raised by a wide range of ignition.

Unfortunately, that we should regret is that the stimulant most widely used and most powerful in this case it is the stuff that smells of religion.

Why diversity to be charged with terror and commotion of the world? There are at least two major factors underlying this reality, everything is still associated with the aggressive nature of human nature:

The first factor is the human desire to live immortal. Vail et al. in their paper in the Personality and Social Psycology Review (2010) states that one of the background of why people chose religion is that they want to overcome the anxiety and fear of death by believing in religious teachings about life after death.

In other words, religion has become a means of dampening their anxiety concerning death. Therefore, anyone who wanted to destroy or nudge some tools so they need it, even if only a little, they are ready to fight it, even if it should die even because they want eternal life postmortem.
The second factor is the presence of the people who actually do not believe in religion, but tried to use religion in order to reap personal gain. They are not people who occupied the state's authority can make a profit with ease so that they utilize those of the first factor for the attention of stakeholders to meet their demands.

Here, according to Toft et al. in their scientific publications on Energy Policy (2010), the answer to why the terrorists liked to dominate energy resources, such as oil and gas refineries, namely to attract the attention of local authorities in addition to independently finance their terrorist acts.

The solution is one thing that can not be denied that the aggressive nature of human nature will always be there as long as he was alive. On this basis, the possibilities of the resulting destructive will always exist.

To prevent the emergence of adverse impacts such, the aggressiveness of man must be utilized in a positive direction. In the context of sustainability-religion-an, counter that needs to be removed is the revitalization and rejuvenation of the essentials of religious teachings concerning the purpose of religious life itself and life after death.

At this time, the only figure who has made renewal of the above is Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. In Chasma-e-Masihi in 1906, he said that:

Ultimate purpose of religion is that man should achieve freedom and lust and fostering personal devotion to God through faith will definitely come true and His attributes are perfect. Love of God that sort of thing is called paradise that will appear in various forms in the hereafter.

ignorance of God True, away from him, as well as the absence of the manifestation of His love, that's called hell that will appear in various forms in the hereafter.

From here, he has reversed since the beginning of the paradigm that the purpose of religion is to satisfy the desire of people to live forever. No, not so.

Instead, religious turmoil aiming to extinguish the natural human nature to introduce him to the figure of the true God, the God who transportation and close communication with his servants, so that the negative nature of their aggressiveness can turn a positive into aggressiveness love Him. When it comes to this degree, human beings will no longer concerned about death.

What would die or live the same to them as long as they can continue to love God and love of the Lord came to them. For them, death became a spiritual refinement stage that is unlikely to happen as long as there is still life in the body.

So it is not the will of their immortality to believe religious teachings about life after death, but the love of God who has created a whole element of their bodies. They just wanted to see, meet and converse with God. This is the highest level of human life and that is the purpose of why religion is derived, and why people have religion.

If it is implemented, those groups who seek to exploit religion and religious people for the sake of personal profit will not be able to get a place. Instead of being deceitful, they actually would be "deceived" by the holy light of those who have mortal as aggressive in their love of God so that they will gravitate toward him.

A state, in which the above circumstances apply, can be assured of a prosperous and peaceful-tranquil. Syahdan, if such a spread regionally and then internationally, turmoil, commotion, and the terror that has been ongoing in the world would cease and be replaced by peace and compassion.

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